“In vino veritas” – In wine, there is truth
When I was asked to appear on The Drunken Ramblings Podcast with Ernie, Ivan and Alexia, my only hesitation was “Uhoh, am I going to reveal too much on the show?”
The irony wasn’t lost on me. I’ve been known to have no filter when it comes to taboo topics in my mission to normalize them, but put me in a room of like-minded open people and I never know what it will eventually lead to.

The end result? A very fun, enlightening and light-hearted conversation amongst strangers that felt like old buddies in the end. Including making jibes at poor Ivan who may or may not have a couple of Tenga eggs lying around his room.
Highlights of the episode:
• Japan’s 7-storey sex toy building (Thanks Alexia, putting this on my travel list!)
• My encounter at Don Don Donki with the two poor souls who were just trying to browse
• What can BDSM teach us about being better at sex and communication
• The difference between kink and fetish and saying no to kink-shaming
• Why the only dirty word is ‘Shame’
Thanks again to the crew of The Drunken Ramblings podcast and I can’t wait to have another chat!